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January 1988 Issue [Readings]

FAA: the Jeans Question

From memoranda issued by the Federal Aviation Administration establishing a dress code for its employees at the Los Angeles Air Traffic Control Center. The distinction made in the May 15 memo between acceptable and non-acceptable kinds of blue jeans was protested and later rescinded.

SUBJECT: Facility Dress Standards
PURPOSE: This order establishes policy governing dress standards for air-traffic employees at the Los Angeles ARTC Center.
POLICY: Employees shall wear clean arid well-maintained attire appropriate for the conduct of government business. This attire should create an appearance which instills public confidence and portrays a high degree of professionalism. In compliance with this policy, it is established that the following attire is unacceptable. This list is not all-inclusive:

a. Faded blue jeans or nondesigner-type jeans
b. Unclean or poorly maintained shoes or sneakers
c. Casual sandals or thongs
d. No socks or hosiery
e. Any T-shirt or sweatshirt without a collar
f. Shirts with slogans or large letter advertising
g. Shorts
h. Clothing or footwear that is not well- maintained or has holes in it
i. Wearing of any type of jeans or sneakers by supervisors during the day and evening shifts
j. Hats

SUBJECT: Facility Dress Standards
DATE: May 15, 1987
TO: All Control-Room Personnel

In order to clarify the Facility Dress Standards that became effective May 1, all control-room personnel are expected to adhere to the following standards when wearing jeans. This list is non-inclusive.

Jordache Levi’s (non-designer)
Calvin Klein Lee
Sergio Valente Wrangler
Gloria Vanderbilt Faded jeans (any type)


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January 1988

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