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The Harper's Podcast Listener Survey
We're celebrating 5 years of The Harper's Podcast this summer! To ensure we're providing the best quality listening experience for you, we have a survey that should take no more than 5 minutes to answer.
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to save your progress.
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How did you hear about the podcast?
Harper's Magazine newsletter
Harper's Magazine website
Harper's Magazine social media
Recommendation from somebody
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Do you subscribe to Harper's Magazine?
How long have you been listening to the podcast?
Just discovered it
Around 3-6 months
More than 6 months
For more than a year
Multiple years
Since the very start, about 5 years ago
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What are 2-3 of the most memorable episodes of the podcast? (Okay to give descriptions of what they're about.)
Your answer
What are 3-5 other podcasts that you enjoy listening to? (If you listen to more than a handful, we want to hear about them).
Your answer
The Harper's Podcast (check all that apply):
Shorter episodes
Episodes focused on current events
Opportunities to engage with other listeners (like a Facebook Group or newsletter discussion board)
Opportunities to hear my voice on the show (like a voicemail line to ask questions of writers)
Episode transcripts
Other (please provide more detail in the feedback box below)
Do you have any other feedback for us about the show?
Your answer
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