The far-left Velvet Revolution has put a $200,000 bounty on the head of Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohoe… Mr. Donohoe’s alleged crime– his outspoken opposition to government run health care and cap and trade legislation. Those who read the Good Book might be thinking, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone…” As a victim of far-left liberal vitriol, Mr. Donohoe is in good company. Truth has also become a victim of Obama Thumpers… While chasing you with lawyers, lies, and pitchforks, Obama Thumpers will call you every name in the book. If you don’t take kindly to their way of thinking, you might be a gun-toting redneck (I still haven’t figured out what’s wrong with that), a racist, radical, or terrorist; a right-wing extremist; paranoid, dangerous, or violent. You might even be akin to one of those awful folks who opposed civil rights. (Those would be mostly Democrats, by the way.) —“Obama Thumpers Running Amok,” Gina Perry, The Daily Sound
Cyrillic will not be the e-language of the future;
convincing consumers that a small, Japanese-made storage box is a high-tech Japanese-made grave;
finally, a dark matter breakthrough
What’s the biggest misconception about Jewish women in the bedroom?
That they are prudes. Jewish woman are very hot, love to experiment, and always please their man. But they also demand to be pleased, as well.
I’m twenty-five and really interested in this sexy older guy at my gym. He’s about fifty. I want to ask him out, but I’m afraid he won’t take me seriously. What’s the best way to approach him without seeming like a silly little girl?
Are you kidding me? Any guy over the age of fifty will jump through hoops to go out with a younger woman! They live for that. That is their biggest fantasy as they get older. Trust me, he won’t say no.
There’s this really cute guy at my synagogue and I want to ask him out, but I only see him at services. What’s the best way to approach him there without being sacrilegious?
I don’t think G-d would mind. After all, HE would be making the shidoch! Go for it. It would be very KOSHER! —“Sex Advice from Jewish Mothers,” Nerve
The Soviet Union’s Afghanistan is America’s Vietnam is America’s Afghanistan;
pregnant soldiers in Iraq will not be court-martialed;
God only knows why we love bad poetry
Who was Al? None other than pornographer and former Screw magazine publisher Al Goldstein, who, after a fairly legendary career as the anti–Hugh Hefner, lost his magazine in 2003, went broke, became homeless, and now, aged 73 and divorced five times, lives in the Rockaways. In 1999, Giordano’s son-in-law, Daniel Clarin, had started an Internet porn business, making videos in two legal houses of prostitution owned by Giordano’s Caribbean partner. They met Goldstein at a porn convention. Goldstein later flew to St. Maarten, where he had a short-lived brothel, and agreed to meet with Giordano while he was there. “I wanted to get into [Internet gambling], because I thought porn wasn’t going to last—like it was a patient with cancer,” Goldstein tells the Voice. “Goldstein was a genius, so beyond eccentric that I didn’t know what the next word would be,” Giordano says. “Play With Al” was originally conceived as another porn site. But Giordano soon soured on the porn biz: “It’s a real dirty business,” he says. “This was not for me. I told Daniel that he could get involved in the Internet gaming business with me.” And that’s how became a gambling site, even though Al himself wasn’t really involved. “I always liked him, but we didn’t end up in business together,” Goldstein says. —“The Rise and Fall of Internet Sports Bookie and Poker Pro James Giordano: From Bluff magazine to court, James Giordano was wired for success until Queens prosecutors captured him in their web,” Graham Rayman, The Village Voice
The family that gambles together does what else together?
Dog sledding?
Wassailling (aka Xmas for NYC hipsters too cool [and/or too Jewish] to just buy a tree)?
Or do they waste time writing “inane” book reviews?