June 2012 Issue [Article] In recovery Download PDF Adjust Share Twelve steps to prosperity by Genevieve Smith, This article is only available as a PDF to subscribers. Download PDF Tags 21st century Economic policy Financial crises Genevieve Smith New York New York (State) Occupy Wall Street (Protest movement) Recessions Responsibility Twelve-step programs Underearners Anonymous (Twelve-step program) Underemployment Unemployment United States More from Genevieve Smith 50,000 Life Coaches Can’t Be Wrong Inside the industry that’s making therapy obsolete The Underearners Test Underearners Anonymous, the mutual-aid group I write about in the June issue of Harper’s Magazine, includes a diagnostic test in its newcomers packet, consisting of the following fifteen questions: 1.… Weekly Review A Christian martyr. Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich released their most recent tax returns. Romney’s showed that he made $21.6 million in 2010, paid taxes at a… Adjust Share