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Number of workers paid to imitate langur cries to clear New Delhi of rhesus monkeys during President Obama’s January visit : 40

Estimated number of Indian surveillance agents assigned to the wife of Prime Minister Narendra Modi : 12

Estimated number of times Modi has seen his wife in the past three decades : 0

Minimum number of murders committed in India since 2000 whose motive was witch hunting : 2,257

Number of U.S. prisoners exonerated last year : 125

Percentage of those exonerations in which no crime had occurred : 46

Portion of recently hired New York City correction officers whose applications should have disqualified them : 1/3

Year in which Egypt passed a law banning female genital mutilation : 2008

Percentage of Egyptian girls aged 15 to 17 who have been victims of the practice : 79

Date on which an Egyptian court handed down the first conviction for the crime : 1/26/15

Percentage of countries worldwide in which girls outperform boys in academic achievement : 70

Percentage of think-tank events about the Middle East held in Washington, D.C., last year that included no female speakers : 65

Number of French Jews who immigrated to Israel between 1948 and 1967 : 10,030

Who did last year : 7,086

Average annual income of households in which U.S. doctors grew up : $57,000

In which U.S. artists did : $67,000

Portion of children born in the United States each year whose mothers receive Medicaid benefits : 1/2

Factor by which the annual number of U.S. measles cases has increased since 2013 : 11.7

Portion of California children between the ages of one and three who are insufficiently immunized, according to the CDC : 1/3

Percentage of Americans who believe that vaccines are safe and effective : 53

Who believe that houses can be haunted by ghosts : 54

Portion of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Republicans who oppose same-sex marriage : 1/5

Factor by which a Democratic senator is more likely than the average American to be a lawyer : 127

Projected portion of global wealth that will be held by the richest 1 percent of the world’s population by the end of 2016 : 1/2

Percentage change since 2010 in the average income of white U.S. households : +8

Of all other U.S. households : –11

Percentage by which a white patient with back pain is more likely than a black patient to be given a prescription for opioids : 20

Than a Hispanic patient : 67

Factor by which a placebo for Parkinson’s disease is more effective when the patient is told it costs $1,500 rather than $100 : 2

Percentage change from 1998 to 2010 in the number of Americans receiving hospice care : +193

In the number reporting depression in the last year of life : +27

Number of Americans who die from alcohol poisoning each day : 6

Portion of those who are men aged 35 to 65 : 3/4

Percentage of marijuana-related tweets that support use of the drug : 77

Percentage in which the tweeter claims to be high at the time of tweeting : 10

Portion of hogs slaughtered in the United States that are raised by a single Chinese company : 1/6

Number of square miles of seabed in international waters that were under contract for mining operations in 2000 : 0

That are today : 463,323

Date on which the FAA told Bigelow Aerospace that it would protect the company’s interests on the moon : 12/22/2014

April Index Sources

1 New Delhi Municipal Council (India)
2,3 Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay (New Delhi)
4 National Crime Records Bureau (New Delhi)
5,6 Samuel R. Gross, University of Michigan Law School (Ann Arbor)
7 N.Y.C. Department of Investigation
8–10 Population Council (Cairo)
11 David C. Geary, University of Missouri (Columbia)
12 Marc Lynch, George Washington University (Washington)
13,14 Jewish Agency for Israel (Jerusalem)
15,16 Quoctrung Bui, National Public Radio (N.Y.C.)
17–19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta)
20 GfK Group (Princeton, N.J.)
21 Christopher Bader, Chapman University (Orange, Calif.)
22 Pew Research Center (Washington)
23 CQ Roll Call (Washington)/American Bar Association (Chicago)
24 Oxfam (Oxford, England)
25,26 U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors
27,28 John Mafi, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston)
29 Alberto Espay, University of Cincinnati
30 Amanda Bow, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (Alexandria, Va.)
31 Daniella Meeker, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California (Los Angeles)
32,33 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta)
34,35 Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, Washington University in St. Louis
36 Smithfield Foods (Smithfield, Va.)
37,38 Douglas McCauley, University of California, Santa Barbara/International Seabed Authority (Kingston, Jamaica)
39 Bigelow Aerospace (Washington)

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April 2015

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