Methods women have used to induce abortion at times throughout history when clinical procedures were illegal or unavailable.
Drink lye
Swallow acid
Brew tea made of manure
Take a wormwood-tea enema
Douche with chili peppers
Apply a leech to the vagina
Insert a coat hanger into the uterus
Puncture the uterus with a bicycle spoke
Blow air into the uterus with a turkey baster
Squat over a pot of boiling onions
Pull out a tooth
Starve oneself
Bind the waist
Knead the abdomen
Hit the abdomen with a meat pulverizer
Beat the stomach with a baseball bat
Have two strong men shake the body
Take a bath in boiling water
Spend the night in the snow
Apply electric shocks to the thighs and groin
Jump off the roof