From advertisements taken out in African-American newspapers by former slaves searching for relatives. The earliest ads appeared in 1863. Villanova University and Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Philadelphia, digitized the ads for an ongoing project called Last Seen: Finding Family After Slavery.
Information wanted of my mother, Sarah Jacobs. She was owned by Stansberry Jacobs about ten miles from the city of Seaford, Delaware. I was seven years old at the time she was sold; I am now sixty-six years. Any information will be thankfully received by Isaac Cannon.
Information wanted of my people. My mother was sold from me when I could but crawl. She belonged to Jim Finley in Dade County, Missouri. I had two sisters and two brothers. Mother’s name was Sicler Finley. When sold she was taken to Arkansas. At the age of three years Jim Finley’s father gave me to Dave Long’s wife. I never saw any of my people. I was about thirty-nine years old last March and am married and living at Panama, Vernon County, Missouri.
Information wanted of any or all of the following persons by their brother, Jacob French-Stewart, namely: Moses French, Fanny French, Nancy French, and Sally French. The whole of us belonged to one Watkins James. I am now getting old and have neither wife nor child; but I have a beautiful farm well stocked and am considered to be worth about fifteen thousand dollars. Any person knowing the whereabouts of any of the above-named persons and giving such information as will lead to their discovery shall be suitably rewarded.
Information wanted of Mary Buckner, who formerly belonged to Mary Morrison, in Culpeper County, Virginia, also of Daniel, Reuben, and George Buckner, formerly belonging to John Miller. Any information will be very thankfully received by their father, Robert Buckner.
Information wanted of Mary Buckner and George Buckner. I found Reuben Buckner in Chillicothe, Ohio.