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January 2019 Issue [Readings]

Group X, No. 2, Altarpiece (Grupp X, nr 2, Altarbild) and Group X, No. 1, Altarpiece (Grupp X, nr 1, Altarbild)

Group X, No. 2, Altarpiece (Grupp X, nr 2, Altarbild) and Group X, No. 1, Altarpiece (Grupp X, nr 1, Altarbild), 1915, oil and metalleaf paintings on canvas by Hilma af Klint, from Hilma af Klint: Paintings for the Future, published by the Guggenheim Museum. Af Klint’s work is currently on view at the Guggenheim Museum, in New York City.

Courtesy The Hilma af Klint Foundation, Stockholm

Group X, No. 2, Altarpiece (Grupp X, nr 2, Altarbild)

Group X, No. 1, Altarpiece (Grupp X, nr 1, Altarbild)

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January 2019

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