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“Your Beating Heart,” “Sprite II,” and “Glide,” cyanotypes by Janelle Lynch, whose work is on view this month with Flowers Gallery at Paris Photo. Her work was included in Welcome to The Salon, which was published in September by Tonal Editions © The artist.
Courtesy Flowers Gallery, London

Researchers found that, over the course of an academic year, middle schoolers grew increasingly unpopular and more likely to misuse alcohol if they were considered unattractive and unathletic, and that such shortcomings are no longer seen as gender-specific. Heavy drinking and handgun-carrying are positively correlated among rural American adolescents, blood-lead levels are higher for black children in segregated North Carolina neighborhoods, and a warming climate can accelerate age-related cognitive decline among black Americans and those living in poor neighborhoods. The U.S. municipal bond market penalizes communities in proportion to the percentage of their population that is black but generally ignores their vulnerability to climate change. In Neptune’s atmosphere, where a large dark spot was observed next to a small and unexpected bright spot, the relative scarcity of clouds is explained by the planet’s eleven-year solar cycle, rather by than by decades-long seasons. The dark-brown carbon emitted by forest fires was found to trap heat from the entire spectrum of visible light and to resist solar bleaching, blowing snow in the central Arctic is producing abundant fine sea salt aerosols that create heat-trapping clouds, and deeper than usual snowpack in certain areas of the Arctic is trapping summer heat for longer periods of time and releasing ancient carbon. Past carbon dioxide spikes were correlated with interbreeding between humans and other hominins.

Ötzi the Iceman shared ancestry with Anatolians and experienced extensive hair loss. The collapse of the Qing Dynasty was driven by the quadrupling of its population and consequent rural impoverishment, an overabundance of qualified applicants for elite academic degrees, rising costs and trade deficits, and falling productivity, which were variously associated with internal unrest, opium imports, and the depletion of silver reserves. Yayoi- and Kofun-era residents of Tanegashima may have deformed their craniums as a way of identifying themselves as members of the shellfish trade. Geoscientists were confident that, given access to the oldest barnacles on the flaperon of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, they could help pinpoint its crash site. As many as seven thousand common noctules may have been killed in the Russian siege of Kharkiv, and scientists were not certain whether the globally synchronized waves observed in the brains of wakeful rats on ketamine or LSD were a cause or a symptom of hallucinations. Researchers revealed a humanized mouse liver and grew humanized mesonephroi in pigs. The heart tissues of cardiac surgery patients were found to be embedded with at least nine kinds of microplastics.

The Academy of Management Journal published “A Spillover Model of Dreams and Work Behavior: How Dream Meaning Ascription Promotes Awe and Employee Resilience.” People in East Asia go to bed later and sleep less than Westerners. Frequent nightmares were associated with major depression among young Hong Kongers who experienced recent social unrest and COVID-19 restrictions, a meta-review found childhood nightmare prevalence to peak between ages ten and fourteen, and doctors were baffled by a case of paroxysmal sleep laughter. Somalis, surveyed as proxies for earlier inhabitants of the Cradle of Humankind, were found to fear spiders less than scorpions but snakes to the expected degree. A Texas woman was attacked by a snake that fell from the sky and then by the hawk who had dropped it. A new snake was named for Harrison Ford and found to be harmless to humans. Particle physicists announced that there is strong evidence of a fifth force of nature.

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November 2023

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