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Percentage of U.S. apartments under construction that are unaffordable for those making less than $75,000 a year : 83

Percentage change since 2006 in the number of U.S. cities that have banned living in vehicles : +143

Portion of Americans aged 18 to 34 who live with their parents or other family members : 2/5

Estimated portion of Americans born in 1980 who will go on to earn more than their parents did : 1/2

Of those born in 1940 who did : 9/10

Number of the ten leading causes of death in the United States whose fatality rate increased in 2015 : 8

Factor by which the number of children born with drug dependencies has increased in the rural U.S. population since 2004 : 6

Number of Japanese women suing the government over claims that the HPV vaccine caused them neurological problems : 119

Percentage by which HPV vaccination rates in Japan have decreased since 2013 : 99

Number of Asian-American women who have won an Oscar for an acting role : 1

Of white women who have won an Oscar for playing an Asian character : 2

Rating, out of 12, awarded to ice-skaters who performed on a Russian reality-TV show wearing concentration-camp uniforms : 12

Number of weeks that Mein Kampf spent on the German bestseller list after its publication ban was lifted last year : 35

Minimum number of European nations in which restrictions on Islamic dress have been imposed or are being considered : 9

Number of U.S. law-enforcement agencies that permit officers to wear turbans or beards for religious reasons : 6

Percentage change since 1961 in the portion of U.S. residents who are Christian : –24

In the portion of congresspeople who are : –4

Minimum fee a South Carolinian would pay for a computer without pornography filters, under a proposed law : $20

Number of states in which anti-transgender “bathroom bill” legislation was introduced over the first week of 2017 : 5

Number of NCAA championship events that have been moved out of North Carolina as a result of H.B. 2 : 27

Estimated loss to North Carolina in direct spending : $65,600,000

Date on which Andrew Woodward, a British professional soccer player, publicly claimed sexual abuse by a youth coach : 11/16/16

Number of calls to a U.K. help line for soccer players alleging similar abuse over the next month : 1,767

Length in weeks of a British scholarship program in the Caribbean in which recipients serve the royal family : 6

Estimated number of years that the Chinese government had a monopoly on table salt before it ended in January : 2,660

Portion of tourists to Cuba who stay in hotels that are managed by the military : 1/2

Estimated annual revenue from a proposed tax on Rio de Janeiro hotel rooms to compensate mugged tourists : $10,900,000

Number of years for which a fake U.S. embassy operated in Accra, Ghana, before being shut down last year : 7

Estimated 2017 U.S. budget for identifying and combating foreign propaganda efforts : $100,000,000

For conducting its own psychological operations abroad : $179,200,000

Estimated portion of alcohol drunk in Russia that is in the form of household products : 1/10

Of Russian deaths that are caused by alcohol : 1/3

Factor by which deaths due to cold weather outnumber deaths due to hot weather worldwide : 20

Number of successive years that have each been the hottest in recorded history : 3

Number of offshore wind turbines in the United States : 5

In the United Kingdom : 1,463

Number of species recovered from endangered or threatened status under the Obama Administration : 20

Under all other administrations since the passage of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 : 15

Average length, in millimeters, of a snail whose protected status prevented Donald Trump from building a seawall in Ireland : 1.8

Figures cited are the latest available as of January 2017.

“Harper’s Index” is a registered trademark.

March Index Sources

1 CoStar Group (Boston)
2 National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (San Jose, Calif.)
3 Trulia (San Francisco)
4,5 Robert Fluegge, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (Stanford, Calif.)
6 National Center for Health Statistics (Hyattsville, Md.)
7 Tyler Winkelman, University of Michigan Medical School (Ann Arbor)
8 Masumi Minaguchi (Tokyo)
9 International Agency for Research on Cancer (Lyon, France)
10 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Beverly Hills, Calif.)
11 SAG-AFTRA (Los Angeles)
12 Harper’s research
13 Buchreport (Dortmund, Germany)
14 Jørgen Nielsen, University of Birmingham (England)
15 Sikh Coalition (Oakland, Calif.)
16 Gallup (Washington)
17 Pew Research Center (Washington)
18 Office of South Carolina State Representative James Mikell Burns (Columbia)
19 American Civil Liberties Union (N.Y.C.)
20,21 Harper’s research
22 Adrian Ohio (Manchester, England)
23 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (London)
24 Office of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (London)
25 Man Kwan, University of Cincinnati
26 Jaime Suchlicki, University of Miami
27 Office of the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro
28,29 U.S. Department of State
30 U.S. Department of Defense
31,32 Jürgen Rehm (Toronto)
33 Antonio Gasparrini, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
34 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Asheville, N.C.)
35 U.S. Department of Energy
36 The Crown Estate (London)
37,38 Center for Biological Diversity (Silver City, N.M.)
39 Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Midhurst, England)/Irish National Parks and Wildlife Service (Dublin)

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March 2017

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