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President and Publisher
John R. MacArthur

Christopher Carroll

Deputy Editor
Will Stephenson

Managing Editor
Will Augerot

Senior Editors
Joanna Biggs, Joe Kloc, Elena Saavedra Buckley

Art Director
Kathryn Humphries

Editor Emeritus
Lewis H. Lapham

Washington Editor
Andrew Cockburn

Poetry Editor
Ben Lerner

Associate Editors
Megan Evershed, Charlie Lee, Lake Micah

Deputy Art Director
Maria Dubon

Assistant Editors
Clarissa Fragoso Pinheiro, Jasmine Liu, Maya Perry, Isabel Ruehl, Becky Zhang

Production Manager and Designer
Chloe Arnold

Editorial Interns
Oliver Golden Eagan, Genevieve Finn, Daniel Grubbs-Donovan, Vanda Mayer

Contributing Editors
Andrew J. Bacevich, Kevin Baker, Tom Bissell, Michael W. Clune, Joshua Cohen, John Crowley, Wes Enzinna, Tanya Gold, Gary Greenberg, Jack Hitt, Edward Hoagland, Frederick Kaufman, Garret Keizer, Mark Kingwell, Walter Kirn, Rafil Kroll-Zaidi, Barry C. Lynn, Richard Manning, Clancy Martin, Duncan Murrell, Rachel Nolan, Lauren Oyler, Vince Passaro, James Pogue, Francine Prose, Ellen Rosenbush, Jeff Sharlet, Christine Smallwood, Zadie Smith, Rebecca Solnit, Matthew Stevenson, Barrett Swanson, John Edgar Wideman

Contributing Artists
Lisa Elmaleh, Balazs Gardi, Samuel James, Nicole Tung, Tomas van Houtryve

Contributing Designer
Sheila Wolfe

Vice President and General Manager
Lynn Carlson

Vice President, Circulation
Shawn D. Green

Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Giulia Melucci

Vice President, Advertising
Jocelyn D. Giannini

Digital Manager
Rachel Anne Cantor

Digital Assistant
Sophie Poole

Digital Intern
Jack Niemczyk

Virginia Navarro, Assistant to the Publisher

Kim Lau, Senior Accountant
Eve Brant, Office Manager
Perri Smith Walker, Advertising Operations Manager

Advertising Sales
(212) 420-5773; [email protected]

Permissions and Reprints
(212) 420-5759; [email protected]

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Website Design
Cottleston Pie

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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