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The ongoing abuses of Australia’s refugee policy

Lightning flashed behind the fiberglass banana boat, but ahead of us the night sky was clear and the water was calm. Ezatullah Kakar, a Pakistani refugee, and I were in the South Pacific Ocean, 2 degrees shy of the equator, just off the coast of Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island. As we cut smoothly through the flat sea, one of the men aboard passed the skipper a beer. The mood was tense and quiet, the three-man crew speaking only when necessary. Kakar didn’t share their apprehension. He took out his phone, ran one hand through his wavy hair, threw his…

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 lives in Melbourne, Australia. He is the host of the podcast The Messenger and the editor of They Cannot Take the Sky, a collection of first-person accounts from asylum seekers in detention in Australia.

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July 2018

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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