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January 2015 Issue [Report]

Come With Us If You Want to Live

Among the apocalyptic libertarians of Silicon Valley

“Just by a quick show of hands, has anyone heard of a D.A.O. or an agent before?” asked Jonathan Mohan. He was in his mid-twenties and wore a beige Bitcoin T-shirt. As if to scratch my head, I halfway raised my right arm. A dozen others raced up past mine.

Forty or fifty of us were in a glass-walled coworking space at 23rd Street and Park Avenue in Manhattan, at a Meetup for a technology called Ethereum. Invented by a nineteen-year-old Russian Canadian named Vitalik Buterin, and still unreleased and under development on the day of the Meetup, in…

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 is a senior editor of Triple Canopy.

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January 2015

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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