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Still More Evidence That David Broder Doesn’t Read the Washington Post


The failure of the House last week to override President Bush’s veto of an Iraq spending bill that included a timetable for withdrawal made that certain. The Democratic leadership already has signaled its readiness to drop the timetable, and further concessions are likely as negotiations continue with the White House.

—David Broder, “A War the Public Will End,” Washington Post, May 6, 2007, p. B07

Correction to This Article

A May 3 Page One article about negotiations between President Bush and congressional Democrats over a war spending bill said the Democrats offered the first major concession by dropping their demand that the bill it [sic] include a deadline to bring troops home from Iraq. While Democrats are no longer pushing a firm date for troop withdrawals, party leaders did not specifically make that concession during a Wednesday meeting with Bush at the White House.

Washington Post, Correction Notice added to “Democrats Back Down on Iraq Timetable,” May 5, 2007

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