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Students Demand that Bush Stop Torture


The Presidential Scholars – the 140 smartest high school kids in the country – had a joint message for President Bush and they delivered it in a meeting with him yesterday. The message was “stop torture.”

The Associated Press reports:

President Bush was presented with a letter Monday signed by 50 high school seniors in the Presidential Scholars program urging a halt to “violations of the human rights” of terror suspects held by the United States. The White House said Bush had not expected the letter but took a moment to read it and talk with a young woman who handed it to him.

The students had been invited to the East Room to hear the president speak about his effort to win congressional reauthorization of his education law known as No Child Left Behind. The handwritten letter said the students “believe we have a responsibility to voice our convictions.”

“We do not want America to represent torture. We urge you to do all in your power to stop violations of the human rights of detainees, to cease illegal renditions, and to apply the Geneva Convention to all detainees, including those designated enemy combatants,” the letter said.

And how did Bush respond to this pack of insurgents?

“The president enjoyed a visit with the students, accepted the letter and upon reading it let the student know that the United States does not torture and that we value human rights,” deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.

President Bush is a liar. He authorized torture in violation of U.S. and international law, and under his authority, the practice of torture continues today. It’s well documented at this point. And these high school students, the nation’s best and brightest, are too smart to be taken in by his falsehoods. Good for them.

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