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Equal Justice for FISA Leakers


Earlier today, I noted Mike Isikoff’s report in Newsweek about the dramatic and highly repressive steps taken by the Gonzales Justice Department against Thomas Tamm, a former lawyer they evidently suspect of having told the press about the Bush Administration’s felonious surveillance program. I wondered when FBI agents will be sent to raid the home of Alberto Gonzales, John Boehner and the nameless White House aide who tried to help Gonzales out of his latest perjury rap? That won’t happen, for a simple reason: these are not legitimate law enforcement activities, they are politically motivated repression. And now I see that the folks over at CREW are asking exactly the same question: who is being appointed to handle the probe into the public leaks by John A. Boehner?

Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint with the Department of Justice asking that the Counterespionage Section of the National Security Division initiate an investigation into whether House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-OH) violated the law by leaking classified information.

Then, of course, we need the investigation of Gonzales, and of the White House for their respective leaks as well. For the latter, I’d certainly start with Vice President Cheney’s office. That’s the usual source of national security threatening leaks in Washington these days.

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