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Mallory–The Apotheosis of Lancelot



Thou sir Launcelot there thou lyest that thou were neuer matched of erthely knyghtes hande
& thou were the curtest knyght that euer bare shelde
& thou were the truest frende to thy louar that euer bestrade hors
& thou were the trewest louer of a synful man that euer loued woman
& thou were the kyndest man that euer strake wyth swerde
& thou were the godelyest persone þt euer cam emonge prees of knyghtes
& thou was the mekest man & the Ientyllest that euer ete in halle emonge ladyes
& thou were the sternest knyght to thy mortal foo that euer put spere in the breste
than there was wepyng & dolour out of mesure
Thus they kepte syr Launcelots corps on lofte xv dayes & than they buryed it with grete deuocyon
& than at leyser they wente al with the bysshop of canterburye to his ermytage & there they were to gyder more than a monthe.

Sir Thomas Mallory, The Morte D’Arthur lib xxi, cap xiii (ca. 1460)

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