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[Washington Babylon]

Deep Throats: A Compilation of Debate Porn


This compilation from TPM captures the full horror of last night’s Democratic debate. It’s worth watching for the grim amusement value.

Incidentally, last night Hillary Clinton criticized Barack Obama–prompted by George Stephanopolous, channeling Sean Hannity — for having once served on a board with William Ayers, a former member of the Weather Underground. Ayers went underground in 1970 “with several associates after the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion in 1970 which killed three members. “I don’t regret setting bombs, I feel we didn’t do enough,” Ayers told the New York Times in 2001 when his memoirs were published.

Now Ayers may have been a jerk, and worse, for planting bombs, but is this in any way relevant to the 2008 elections? Obama was eight-years-old when Ayers became a fugitive and his “ties” to Ayers are not exactly extensive.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton served on the board of Wal-Mart from 1986 to 1992 and was reportedly silent on the issue of the company’s notorious anti-union stance. Wal-Mart is

the world’s largest retailer. It is the largest corporation and private employer in the United States. Wal-Mart is the biggest employer in 25 states. They set the standard for wages and labor practices…the Walton family is worth about $102 billion. Wal-Mart topped the Fortune 500 list of America’s largest corporations ranked by sales for the fourth year in a row.

So what’s a more important question right now: Hillary Clinton and Wal-Mart or Barack Obama and his marginal links to a former 60s radical? Only ABC could possible believe that it’s the latter.

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