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This evening Harper’s legal affairs contributor Scott Horton discusses the first court-martial case commenced against a civilian contractor, filed by the Marine Corps in Iraq on March 27, and the consequences it may have for contractor accountability, on the BBC’s World News Tonight (2100 hours London time, 5:00 p.m. on participating NPR stations across the United States).

Für mitteleuropäische Leser: In der übernächsten Sendung (voraussichtlich am Dienstag, den 15. April, 21 Uhr MEZ) von „Frontal 21“ (ZDF) bespricht Scott Horton (Harper’s Magazine) die Entwicklung der Foltermethode „Waterboarding“ und seine Einführung durch die Bush-Regierung seit 2002.

Harper’s legal affairs contributor Scott Horton will appear on Sunday, April 6 at 11:00 a.m. PDT on Ian Masters’ Background Briefing on National Public Radio in Southern California, KPFK 90.7 FM, to discuss the decision to shut down the public integrity unit in the Los Angeles U.S. Attorney’s Office and Michael Mukasey’s recent speech before the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on public integrity and national security issues.

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