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[Washington Babylon]

The Best Bias Money Can Buy


From Jonathan Schwarz at Mother Jones:

What would it look like if Fox News produced a segment about bias in the media? Certainly it would follow the standard Fox format: conservative activists such as Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid “balanced” by middle of the road corporate journalists like Clarence Page, along with Fox anchor Brit Hume and Fox contributor Juan Williams. After due deliberation, they would gravely agree that the media, sadly, has an obvious liberal tilt.

Such a segment on media bias does exist. It’s not on Fox, though; it’s at the Newseum, America’s “Interactive Museum of News” in Washington, D.C. The Newseum reopened last Friday amid great hoopla after a move to a giant new building near the Smithsonian and an extremely expensive redesign.

Where did the Newseum get this Fox ethos? Perhaps it’s a bizarre coincidence. Or perhaps it’s that the video is part of an exhibit funded by $10 million from Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.

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