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[Washington Babylon]

Bob Dole: King of erectile dysfunction hits McClellan for selling out


Politico reports that former Senator Bob Dole “sent a scalding email to Scott McClellan, excoriating the former White House spokesman as a ‘miserable creature’.” Dole, said the story, used his “trademark biting wit to portray McClellan as a classic Washington opportunist,” writing in his email, “[Y]our type soaks up the benefits of power, revels in the limelight for years, then quits, and spurred on by greed, cashes in.”

This would be the same Bob Dole who promised Kansans that he would come “home” if he lost his 1996 presidential bid and then, after being crushed by Bill Clinton, stayed in Washington and went to work as a lobbyist for a host of corporate and foreign interests? (It turned out “home” was the Watergate Hotel, where Dole had lived for several decades.) And the same Bob Dole whose personal website boasts that he has “appeared in several television commercials, including ads for Target, Dunkin Donuts, Pentax, Pfizer…Visa, and Pepsi.” Not noted was that for Pfizer, Dole served as the poster boy for erectile dysfunction.

Given his own willingness to shill for Viagra, Dole’s arguments appear terribly limp.

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