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[Washington Babylon]

Video from Guantánamo: Interrogation of Canadian teenager


From The Guardian:

The first footage showing an interrogation at Guantánamo Bay was released today by the lawyers of Omar Khadr, a Canadian teenager detained by US forces. The video shows Khadr, at the time aged 16, interviewed by intelligence agents in 2003. During the footage he sobs uncontrollably, removes his shirt to complain about his medical treatment and tells the agents: “You don’t care about me.”

Left alone in the interrogation room, Khadr cries, holds his head and rocks back and forth. The audio is not clear, but he reportedly repeats the phrase “help me”. The video, at times distressing, is the first footage from inside an interrogation room at the controversial US detention camp to be made public.

Thanks to Jeff Stein at CQ.

Note: In fact, when the interrogators leave the room, what Khadr repeats many times, before saying “help me,” is “kill me.”

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