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[Washington Babylon]

Zzzzzzzz: Get Ready for CNN’s Exciting Convention Coverage


From Lisa de Moraes of The Washington Post:

Blitzer stays up nights wondering whether Clinton will be introduced by her daughter, Chelsea, and when, if at all, her husband, former president Bill Clinton, will speak. Would it be on the same night as Hillary? A different night?

Borger can’t wait to see how the GOP confab says goodbye to George W. Bush:

“When do they put him on the stage?” she pondered. “Does he even go to the stage? Does he speak from a remote? Do they decide not to bring him there? Are they going to bring him there? When do they bring him there? What does he say? What kind of response does he get? How do they showcase a president with a 28 percent popularity rating who in many ways is John McCain’s problem?”

“And, Gloria, don’t forget the other issue they have to work out is how do they say goodbye to Dick Cheney!” Blitzer added.

“What do you do with George W. Bush? What do you do with Dick Cheney? There’s going to be a lot of intrigue and drama as far as how they choreograph that.”

Just when the CNN newsies were getting to the clapping-their-little-hands-in-excitement stage, one grumpykins critic started chastising them for their enthusiasm. “Isn’t your job to take what they say, to analyze it, to hold it against their former quotes, to show how the policies may change, and screw the drama?” Mr. Crankypants asked. “Isn’t your job to help people make . . . their own decision on their votes, instead of just trying to make these conventions interesting?”

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