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[Washington Babylon]

A Campaign Slogan For Chris Matthews: Blowhard for Senate


David Sirota apparently won’t be supporting Chris Matthews if the latter decides to run for the senate in Pennsylvania:

Having grown up outside of Philadelphia, I just want to say I really hope Chris Matthews runs for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, and is humiliatingly obliterated in a Democratic primary…The sense of entitlement that this blowhard personifies is truly stunning. He’s spent his entire life as a principle-free political gossip in Washington – a human embodiment of all that is sick and wrong with Beltway culture. And yet, he really thinks he can just parachute into one of the largest states in the country, buy a mansion in Philadelphia and be a senator on sheer celebrity alone. I mean, maybe he can – maybe politics is now so devoid of meaning that this is just the way it is. But I really hope not.

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