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[Washington Babylon]

Murders in Iraq: Not fit for prime time


From Stars and Stripes:

A videotape played Thursday in the trial of a U.S. soldier shows him describing how he shot two of four bound and blindfolded Iraqi prisoners in March 2007.

Sgt. Michael Leahy Jr., 28, was videotaped talking with Army investigators last year. A pre-trial motion by Leahy’s attorneys to suppress the video failed. The video showed Leahy confessing an hour and 10 minutes into an interview with a Criminal Investigation Command special agent in Schweinfurt, Germany.

“I shot one of them,” Leahy told the agent. “I shot two shots,” he said, pointing his hand like a pistol.

As Tom Ricks remarks, “Call me a softie, but I don’t understand why this murder case involving American troops hasn’t gotten more media attention in this country. This seems to me worse than the tortures at Abu Ghraib. According to court testimony, the Army soldiers then dumped the bodies of the four murdered Iraqis in a Baghdad canal.”

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