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[Washington Babylon]

New Depo from Case Linked to Norm Coleman: Senators “don’t make shit”


Remember all those stories last fall about various and sundry campaign donors to then-Senator Norm Coleman? Those donors, including a man named Nasser Kazeminy, seemed to take very good care of Coleman.

Now the Minneapolis Star Tribune has new information about a lawsuit filed against Kazeminy, which had previously received quite a bit of play:

The former finance chief of a Texas company controlled by Nasser Kazeminy, a close friend of former Sen. Norm Coleman, said in a deposition last week that Kazeminy ordered $100,000 in fees be paid to a Minneapolis insurance agency where Coleman’s wife was employed.

B.J. Thomas, who was chief financial officer of Deep Marine Technology Inc., said that $75,000 of that sum was paid to Hays Companies even though he saw no evidence of Deep Marine receiving any consulting services from Hays.

Thomas’ deposition, taken under oath on March 19 and obtained by the Star Tribune, is the first corroboration from an official at Deep Marine of allegations made by company founder Paul McKim in a lawsuit filed last year against the company.

And there’s this:

In the deposition, Thomas recounted a March 2007 telephone conversation in which Kazeminy purportedly lamented the amount of money Coleman was paid as a senator.

According to the transcript, Thomas was asked, “In that conversation that you had with Mr. Kazeminy, did he tell you, quote, United States senators don’t make shit, close quote? Or words to that effect?”

Thomas answered: “Yes, sir.”

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