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[Washington Babylon]

Brian Williams, Head of the Presidential Puppy Corps


The media treated George W. Bush very well during the early days of his administration (as it does every incoming president) but the slavish devotion to Barack Obama is an embarrassment. How low can they go? This low:

There weren’t a lot of places where “NBC Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams wasn’t allowed during his taping of “Inside the Obama White House,” the newsman says. The first hour of the two-hour program aired Tuesday night, with the second hour airing at 8 p.m. Wednesday.

“Sum up this guy,” Williams said of Bo, the Obama family’s Portuguese water dog, as President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their interviewer stood by the first pup.

“Let me see if he does the whole …” Obama said, leaning to get a robust, white-pawed shake from the shaggy black pooch.

“See, I taught him that … that’s what I’m talking about,” exclaimed the president, playfully growling at his puppy for NBC’s cameras.

Brian Williams, well-trained pet.

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