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[Washington Babylon]

Clinton Boner Picture Identified


Yesterday I posted an item describing a picture (sent to me by several sources) of former President Bill Clinton posing for the camera with Gulnara Karimova, daughter of the dictator of Uzbekistan and a woman widely accused of corruption and thuggery. I didn’t post the picture because I wasn’t sure who owned the rights, but a reader emailed me to say that I could find a copy at Gulnara’s personal website, so here it is. (Incidentally, for a taste of just how vile Gulnara is, spend a few moments on her site.)

The picture turns out to have been taken at an AIDS fundraiser held last May at the Cannes Film Festival. There are also pictures on the site of Gulnara at the same event with Kanye West and Steven Seagal. Those two may or may not know who Gulnara is, but Clinton surely does. For him to pose with her, and allow her to use the picture to seek to enhance her legitimacy, is wrong no matter what the charity event.

Still no reply from the Clinton Foundation about the picture or whether Gulnara, her companies, or her minions have made any contributions. I’ll update this post if I ever hear back.

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