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[Washington Babylon]

Where In The World Is Your Member of Congress?


It’s going to be roughly 100 degrees today in Washington, but fortunately numerous members of Congress won’t have to suffer through the heat because they’re out of town on all-expense paid junkets, frequently with spouses in tow.

Foreign Policy obtained a list of planned Congressional delegations— CODELs for short– over the August recess. Here are a few highlights:

For instance, there will be no flak jackets required for Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) when he leads a large congressional delegation on an around-the-world trip to Ireland, Switzerland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and Canada. And the trip looks to be more spouse-friendly: All of the seven House members on the Boehner-led trip– Dan Boren (D-OK), Jo Bonner (R-AL), Dave Camp (R-MI), Tom Latham (R-LA), and Greg Walden (R-OR)– say they are bringing their spouses (at “no cost to the DoD,” the CODEL itinerary states). What is the purpose of the Boehner-led CODEL? “To discuss issues of mutual interest with government and private sector officials on issues related to global and regional economic performance and energy security,” the confirmed itinerary says.

Similarly, one wouldn’t need to rough it on Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX)’s planned trip to Britain, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and Italy. Among Cuellar’s Mediterranean destined delegation are Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA), DC’s Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Rep. John Carter (R-TX), Rep. Michael McCaul (T-TX), and Rep. Charles Dent (R-PA), all save Norton accompanied by their better halves. What’s the purpose of the Cuellar-led trip? “To investigate the critical security measures in place within these countries,” the unconfirmed itinerary says. But of course.

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