Pues la guerra está en las manos y para guerra nacemos bien será nos ensayemos para vençer los tiranos. El capitán desta lid de nuestra parte, sabed que es el…
“Mon fill,” dix l’ermità, “tot l’orde és en aquest llibre escrit, lo cual jo llig algunes vegades perquè sia en record de la gràcia que Nostre Senyor m’ha feta en…
The career path of Alberto Gonzales provides perfect material for an opera in the tradition of George Frederick Handel. It has its earnest moments, flashes of heroism (involving Gonzales’s victims,…
There may not be a bigger moron in Congress than Paul Broun of Georgia. His latest, as reported in the Athens Banner-Herald: U.S. Rep. Paul Broun is again raising the…
From USA Today: Four chief executives whose government-funded non-profit corporations are paid to deliver U.S. foreign assistance earned more than half a million dollars in 2007, a USA TODAY review…
“Two months after he was overthrown in a coup, Honduras’s ousted president said Wednesday that he sees little progress in U.S.-backed negotiations aimed at restoring him to power and has…
American diplomats were instructed to make an effort to bring back the Nuremberg defense in negotiations on a new treaty on enforced disappearances. They found no supporters, even among staunch…
Like Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen, I too am “torn between my desire for absolute security and my abhorrence of torture.” How can one solve this dilemma? Easy–cancel your subscription…
Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D., Mass.) died of brain cancer at age 77 and was buried near his brothers John and Robert at Arlington National Cemetery. He served 46 years…