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[Washington Babylon]

Employee Recommendation: A moron, but shows initiative


From The Smoking Gun:

Meet Aaron Siebers. The 27-year-old Denver man, a Blockbuster employee, was skateboarding yesterday afternoon when he fell and ripped his uniform pants. Due to work last night–and concerned about getting “written up” by Blockbuster superiors for not wearing his work-issued khakis–Siebers came up with a harebrained idea. Instead of just calling in sick, he stabbed himself in the leg and showed up at work claiming to have just been attacked by three Hispanic males.

Also, see this poll from the New York Daily News, which ran next to a story about Siebers and asked: “Would you go so far and stab yourself to avoid coming in to work?”

Thirteen percent checked the box for “Sure, why not.” Two percent were undecided.

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