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Archive: Dec 2009


Richard Rodriguez on the Twilight of the American Newspaper From “Final edition: Twilight of the American newspaper,” in the November 2009 Harper’s Magazine. A scholar I know, a woman who…

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Supreme Court Expresses Unease Over Honest Services Prosecutions

The Supreme Court heard a group of appeals on Monday that included convicted press baron Conrad Black, convicted Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, and Bruce Weyrauch, an Alaskan legislator facing a…

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The Daily Dumb: Gretchen Carlson edition

She never learned what a “czar” was while studying at Oxford. From the Daily Show: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Gretchen Carlson Dumbs…

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The Bankers’ Financial Protection Agency

From Public Citizen: The 16 representatives sponsoring two amendments that would weaken critical consumer protections in financial reform legislation have received at least $2.3 million from the financial services sector…

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Luke Mitchell on Obamacare From “Understanding Obamacare,” in the December 2009 Harper’s Magazine The idea that there is a competitive “private sector” in America is appealing, but generally false. No…

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Eight Million Reasons for Surveillance Oversight

Christopher Soghoian is a graduate student at Indiana University busily working on his Ph.D. dissertation addressing public policy issues relating to surveillance. In the course of his work he discovered…

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Lord of the Flies at Gitmo

Last night, I discussed the Seton Hall review of a military investigation into three suspicious deaths at Gitmo with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC: Visit for…

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Weekly Review

President Barack Obama, after a meal of Chesapeake striped bass and mango sorbet, visited West Point and announced his plan to send 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan in order…

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Andrew J. Bacevich on the War We Can’t Win From “The War We Can’t Win,” in the November 2009 Harper’s Magazine History deals rudely with the pretensions of those who…

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Three Deaths at Gitmo Raise Chilling Questions

On June 10, 2006, the Pentagon announced that three prisoners held at Guantánamo’s Camp Delta had committed suicide. But senior Bush Administration officials quickly went one step further: violating the…

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From “The More Things Change” File: Congressional junkets

From the New York Times: Representative F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., a Wisconsin Republican, toured a prince’s vineyard and castle in Liechtenstein and spent an afternoon at a ski resort in…

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Bennie Thompson’s Congressional Hearings? Priceless

From the Washington Post: At a hearing in late March, the nation’s credit card companies faced the threat of expensive new rules from an unlikely regulator: the House Homeland Security…

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Wordsworth – The World Is Too Much With Us

The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our…

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Dante – Peace and the Human Condition

Satis igitur declaratum est quod proprium opus humani generis totaliter accepti est actuare semper totam potentiam intellectus possibilis, per prius ad speculandum et secondario propter hoc ad operandum per suam…

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Thinking in Dark Times: Six Questions for Roger Berkowitz

Fordham University Press has just put out Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics, a collection of papers from a conference convened at Bard College to mark…

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I have no doubt you are sexually hip, but just in case you’re not, please know that “teabag” has a particular meaning in certain circles. In order to have a…

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DOJ to the Rescue… of John Yoo

The Holder Justice Department has filed a sweeping amicus brief in the Padilla v. Yoo case before the Ninth Circuit, seeking to make absolute the immunity granted Justice Department lawyers…

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Liberal’s lament: Afghanistan and Obama

From Garry Wills: I did not think he would lose me so soon—sooner than Bill Clinton did. Like many people, I was deeply invested in the success of our first…

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From “Findings” From “Findings,” in the November 2009 Harper’s Magazine Among highly sociable stingless Brazilian bees, a quarter of males—who can develop from unfertilized eggs—were found to be the sons…

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Sally Quinn: The life of the party

The Washington Post recently announced the winner of its “America’s Next Great Pundit” contest, and Kevin Huffman, (who Wonkette aptly described as “nothing more than a composite of all preexisting…

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The Washington Post on Desiree Rogers: “No detail escapes her eye”

“On the night of the Obamas’ first state dinner, White House social secretary Desirée Rogers glided past the rope line of press and photographers at 6:53 p.m., pausing to boast,…

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Petra Bartosiewicz on the American “Intelligence Factory” From “The Intelligence Factory: How America makes its enemies disappear,” in the November 2009 Harper’s Magazine When I first read the U.S. government’s…

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Afghanistan: The quagmire deepens

Last night’s speech on Afghanistan was typical Obama: instead of acting decisively, he splits the difference. The United States will send 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan but with a timetable,…

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Obama’s Afghan Speech: The (TV) review is in

From Tom Shales: Would you buy a used war from this man? Americans might be seeing their bright, young president in a dark, new light this morning after watching his…

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The body never lies. In its collusion with the truth, it avoids eye contact, limits movement of arms and hands. The liar is not likely to touch her chest, but…

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Praise George W. Bush, Damn Richard B. Cheney

James Fallows pens a striking side-by-side of the last president and last vice president in retirement. Since the results of the 2008 election became clear, the 43rd President of the…

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The Black Hole of Bagram

Tonight President Barack Obama will deliver a major address justifying the orders he issued yesterday for a ramp-up of the military effort in Afghanistan. No matter what he says, his…

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