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[Washington Babylon]

Bernanke-gate! What’s in those memos?


Looks like someone leaked some very specific information to Congressman Darryl Issa. In a letter sent yesterday to Congressman Edolphus Towns, chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, he writes: “New information has come to light about documents in the possession of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors regarding the Federal Reserve’s decision to bail out AIG.”

Issa writes that he has information from a whistleblower that reveals “troubling details” about Ben Bernanke’s “personal involvement” in the decision to bail out AIG and asks Towns to issue a subpoena to the Fed for documents dating to September 2008 and “identified by the following electronic labels: sb-aig-01000092 to sb-aig-010000125 and “Draft Memo on AIG.pdf.”

Perhaps there’s no smoking gun in the memos but they certainly should be made available before congress votes on Bernanke’s reappointment. Meanwhile, Senator Jim Bunning is also asking about some memos on the same topic.

It’s sad that the tag-team of Bunning and Issa are leading the charge on the matter.

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