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[Washington Babylon]

Christopher “Dudus” Coke: Best name ever for (alleged) drug dealer


Interesting story from the Washington Post:

Last fall, the blue-chip law firm of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips signed a $400,000 contract to lobby on behalf of the government of Jamaica, spending the next several months talking with White House and other administration officials about why the United States should not extradite an accused Kingston drug kingpin.

But the unusual arrangement has fallen apart amid a flurry of charges and countercharges that have reverberated from Kingston to Washington. The government of Jamaica contends that it never hired Manatt; the attorney who arranged the deal says it was all a big misunderstanding; and opposition leaders allege that Jamaica’s prime minister was doing the bidding of a fugitive the United States wants to arrest.

Above it all hangs a question: If the government of Jamaica didn’t pay Manatt, who did?

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