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[Washington Babylon]

The Parties of Spend and Spend


Yesterday I noted here that the GOP had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on its recent meeting in Honolulu. Turns out, not surprisingly, that the Democrats are no more frugal than Republicans when it comes to spending donor money:

“Both the national Democratic and Republican party committees spend about two-thirds of the money they take in on the care and comfort of committee staffs and on efforts to raise more funds, with lavish spending on limousines, expensive hotels, meals and tips, an analysis of the latest financial disclosure data shows,” the Washington Post reported.

More from the story:

Spending reports at the Federal Election Commission offer vivid illustrations of luxurious tastes. When RNC Chairman Michael S. Steele and colleagues took several dozen party donors on a retreat last August to Jackson Hole, Wyo., for example, golf and tennis fees were paid, whitewater rafting and trout fishing guides were contracted, and limo drivers and photographers were hired. Flowers worth about $1,300 decorated tables filled with food from three caterers…

The Democratic Party racked up a similar bill — $176,000 — to cover 14 months of catering at events at the Washington Hilton.

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