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[Washington Babylon]

Big Tears: Congressman Melancon cries for the Gulf


Point One: The Washington Post reports today that Congressman Charlie Melancon of Louisiana is all choked up about the situation in the Gulf.

“The real personification of the leak’s political story — of its ability to make power feel useless — is Melancon, a junior congressman whose coastal district has taken the brunt of the spill,” said the story. “Melancon is known as a man who makes things move in south Louisiana. But in this crisis, his most prominent act was last month, when he broke down and cried in front of colleagues and TV cameras at a subcommittee hearing on Capitol Hill.”

Point Two: Congressman Melancon’s biggest campaign donors include the energy industry. According to Open Secrets, oil and gas companies gave him $312,100 over the past six years, more than any other industry except agriculture (and lawyers/lobbyists). His top donor during the period was Edison Chouest Offshore.

So what precisely is Melancon crying about?

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