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[Washington Babylon]

Palin’s Plans: Horndog wing will not be enough to carry her across the line


There’s been much speculation about Sarah Palin’s political prospects and the possibility that she will win high office in the 2012 elections. Yesterday Andrew Sullivan posted an item in which a reader speculated that Palin’s real aim is to win her party’s vice presidential nomination:

Her moves and the GOP’s current condition suggest to me that what she’s really running for is vice president again. I’m surprised that no one out there seems to be considering this possibility, since from what I can tell it’s pretty much inevitable.

Palin is not going to be the GOP’s next presidential or vice presidential nominee. She’s not going to be the former because she can’t win the nomination; the combined weight of the Tea Party wing and the Love-struck Horndog faction is powerful within the GOP, but not that powerful. She won’t be the latter because she’ll end up being a drag on the ticket, as John McCain discovered to his misfortune last year.

However unqualified she might be for high office, Palin is smart enough to know this. Palin is not even running for high office. She is running to get very, very rich and in that endeavor she will be enormously successful.

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