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[Harper's in the News]

Harper’s in the News


Harper's publishes a story about PBS; PBS pulls its advertising in Harper's; the Internet has the story.

“In the October issue of Harper’s Magazine, Eugenia Williamson takes a long look at the history of PBS, with a particular focus on how far the public broadcaster has strayed from its intended mission.”[1] “The article … details a long history of money woes at PBS that began even in the heady days of its founding by President Lyndon Johnson. And, she claims the corporate sponsors and board members can often influence what does and does not get aired.”[2]  “PBS, presumably, was not a fan of this one.”[3] “After the October edition was delivered to subscribers and posted online on September 11, PBSd pulled ads from the magazine’s November and December issues.”[1] “PBS released a page of talking points which claimed the Harper’s piece was ‘filled with many basic errors.’”[4] “The document highlights no particular errors.”[5] “It’s no surprise PBS took issue with the piece, but the way it responded may not have helped its cause.”[6] “As is usually the case in such situations, all it really accomplished was to draw more attention to the article.”[7] “This is well beyond ironic.”[8] “The article is available in print and on Harper’s Internet site, where it’s restricted to the magazine’s subscribers ($39.99 per year)”[7] “‘I’m not saying we don’t need the money,’ (Harper’s publisher Rick) MacArthur said.”[1] “PBS declined to comment.”[9]

Read PBS Self-Destructs in the October issue of Harper’s.

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