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Nonfiction and Fiction Submission Guidelines

Writers wishing to submit nonfiction to Harper’s Magazine are invited to send queries to the address below, accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The magazine will neither consider nor return unsolicited nonfiction manuscripts.

Harper’s will consider unsolicited fiction. Unsolicited poetry will not be considered or returned.

All fiction submissions and nonfiction queries must be sent by mail to:

Harper’s Magazine
666 Broadway, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10012

Ideas for the Readings section are welcomed at Volume precludes individual acknowledgment.

Art, Illustration, and Photography Submission Guidelines

Artists, illustrators, and photographers may send material for consideration at any time, in any format: digital files, prints, or portfolios. If you wish to have your work returned, please include appropriate packaging and postage. Digital files may be sent to

Art submissions for the Readings section may be sent at any time by mail or email. Mail submissions should be addressed to Art Intern at the address above. If you have questions, please call (212) 420-5720.

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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