October 1873 Issue [Editor’s Literary Record] Editor’s literary record Download PDF Adjust Share Subscribe or log in to continue reading. Tags A descriptive hand atlas of the world (Book) A.J. (Amos Jackson) Bicknell Anna Bartlett Warner Anna M. Hyde Atlases Books Charles Dickens Charles Henry Jones Charles Reade George Winfred Hervey H.W. (Harriet Waters) Preston H.W.S. (Horace William Shaler) Cleveland Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev J.G. (Josiah Gilbert) Holland Katharine S. (Katharine Sarah) Macquoid M.E. (Mary Elizabeth) Braddon Nicholas Pike Philip Gilbert Hamerton Reviews Seth Sweetser The international, political, classical, and historical atlas (Book) Thomas Hardy Thomas Nast Thomas Robinson W.H. (William Howard) Van Doren Adjust Share