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From Food and Drug Administration inspection reports on Hillandale Farms and Wright County Egg Farms, filed in August after the Iowa farms voluntarily recalled over 500 million eggs due to reports of salmonella poisoning.

The entrance door to Houses 11 and 12 was blocked with excessive amounts of manure.

Liquid manure was observed to be streaming out of the east door of the manure pit.

The outside access doors to the manure pits had been pushed out by the weight of the manure, leaving open access to wildlife or domesticated animals.

Approximately thirty-five uncaged hens were tracking manure into the caged hen-house area.

Chicken manure below the egg-laying operations was observed to be approximately four feet to eight feet high.

Uncaged birds (chickens having escaped) were observed using the manure, which was approximately eight feet high, to access the egglaying area.

There were approximately twenty unsealed rodent holes on the south wall.

A rodent was observed running into one of the rodent holes.

An approximately 2- x 6-inch wood board was observed on the ground with approximately eight frogs living underneath.

Live and dead flies too numerous to count were observed. The live flies were on and around egg belts, feed, eggs, and walkways in different sections of each egg-laying area. In addition, live and dead maggots too numerous to count were observed on the manure pit floor.

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November 2010

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