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October 2013 Issue [Readings]

Happiness is a Warm Biscuit

From a glossary of terms used by three rival East Harlem street gangs, compiled by prosecutors for the April indictments of sixty-three gang members. Between October 2009 and March 2013, members of Air It Out, True Money Gang, and Whoadey allegedly communicated through social media and prison phone calls about avenging murders and trafficking in firearms, as well as about potential law-enforcement action. Forty-nine are charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

2&5 Train: .25-caliber gun
biscuit: gun
bitch: gun, female
blammer: gun
clickety: gun
clipped: shot
drum set: gun
electricity: ammunition
flamingo: gun
flocka: gun, to shoot a gun
food: ammunition
gas: ammunition
girlfriend: gun
grip, grippy: gun
joint: gun
Mariah: gun
played the flute: shot a gun
popped that bottle: shot a gun
ratchet: gun
ratty: gun
rock to sleep early: murder
sandwich: weapon
sea shellz: bullets
shotty: gun
scat: gun
speaker: gun
thing-thing: gun
toy: gun
utensils: guns
yammer: gun

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October 2013

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