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It was determined that nine of ten Canadians who kill their minor stepchildren are men, that the U.S. health-care system is not equipped to address the needs of pregnant men, and that American men who believe in traditional masculinity also believe in the efficacy of energy drinks. Lead exposure makes children sleepy in the daytime. Pediatric-sleep experts called for smartphones to incorporate “bedtime mode.” Children raised in religious families are less altruistic and more punitive. Infants are unaware that the sensation of being tickled has a cause outside themselves. Highly numerate children of Tsimane forager-farmers are more likely to use merit as the basis for the distribution of bananas. Tsimane adults concur with members of modern industrialized societies that aging is more detrimental to women than to men. The larger a male howler monkey’s hyoid bone, the smaller his testes. The vibrations of male red mason bees disclose the bees’ provenance to females. Sleeping Germans given incorrect definitions of Dutch words are not hindered in their language acquisition. Painful injuries fail to wake most sleepwalkers.

Three of Earth’s five mass-extinction events were linked to falling levels of oceanic selenium. Bikini islanders sought asylum from rising seas. Computers can infer, from photographs, the beauty of a coral reef. Future British storms will be named Clodagh, Nigel, and Steve. Between 1974 and 2011, the proportion of southern right whale mothers and calves wounded by kelp gulls increased 4,850 percent. A Florida Sea Grant team hoped to train recreational anglers to use needles to ventilate the body cavities of fish suffering from barotrauma and to use weights to help the fish attain appropriate depths on release. In an Australian river, adult spear-toothed sharks (Glyphis glyphis), including a male with calcified genital claspers, were tagged for the first time. Dolphins were implicated in the death of a pilot whale off Skye. Indonesia announced plans to imprison drug traffickers on an island surrounded by crocodiles. Crocodiles can sleep with one eye open and, perhaps, one brain hemisphere awake.

Esoteric urban fruit in the Boston area is nutritious and largely pollution-free. Rotting oak trees are responsible for the child-swallowing holes in the sands of Mt. Baldy. Rapid sniffing and gasping both avert vasovagal syncope. Time slows for Americans who feel apprehensive about an approaching black person. Chinese scientists used an infrared invisibility cloak made of germanium to hide toy mice from snakes. Rats have neurons that track time spent and distance traveled on a treadmill. After attaching a severed arm to a large pendulum and tightening the tendons with fishing line and guitar pegs, researchers found that a clenched fist can strike a padded dumbbell with twice the force of an open hand before delicate bones break. It may be possible to un-burn bone with a neutron beam. Pluto’s mountains may be floating. Antidiarrheal drugs degrade no faster in outer space. H.I.V. rates were found to rise in the five years that precede the outbreak of armed conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa. A man with H.I.V. died after his tapeworm got cancer. An interdisciplinary team described a formula for making cancer tests go viral. The Dutch town of Monster hoped to attract bats with its new bridge. Following an injury to its tail, a black-and-white tegu regrew six. Brain cooling is not good for head trauma. Scots has 421 words to describe snow.

Images by Arko Datto from the series CAPTIVECAM, which comprises screenshots from publicly accessible webcams in zoological institutions around the world. © The artist

Images by Arko Datto from the series CAPTIVECAM, which comprises screenshots from publicly accessible webcams in zoological institutions around the world. © The artist

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January 2016

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