Percentage of young Iraqis who regard the United States as their enemy : 93
Rank of the United States among countries that Arabs aged 18 to 24 regard as the best in which to live : 2
Rank of the United Arab Emirates : 1
Percentage of young Arab adults who believe that the Arab world is better off since the Arab Spring : 36
Number of arson attacks committed against refugee shelters in Germany this year : 44
Portion of European countries that have laws prohibiting women from wearing certain religious attire : 2/5
Of Middle Eastern and North African countries that have laws requiring women to wear certain religious attire : 1/5
Minimum number of undercover morality police deployed in Iran to monitor un-Islamic dress : 7,000
Number of stolen weapons returned to the Israel Defense Forces during an amnesty period this year : 457
Number of rounds of ammunition : 1,347,744
Portion of people who believe that businesses bear as much responsibility as governments do for “positive social change” : 2/3
Percentage of online-advertising spending that goes to either Facebook or Google : 85
Amount a Swiss firm charges parents for names designed to maximize their child’s future success : $28,800
Number of U.S. babies born prematurely each year due to air pollution : 16,000
Annual economic cost of U.S. traffic congestion : $160,000,000,000
Portion of U.S. workers who commute alone in a car : 3/4
Percentage of the Great Barrier Reef that was bleached this year because of ocean warming : 93
Tons of invasive carp that the Australian government plans to eradicate by giving them herpes : 1,137,000
Number of people killed in a 2010 explosion at a West Virginia mine operated by Massey Energy : 29
Number of years in prison to which the company’s CEO was sentenced this year for violating mine-safety laws : 1
Minimum number of environmental advocates murdered in Latin America since 2009 : 496
Number of Attawapiskat First Nation tribe members in Canada who attempted suicide on a single day in April : 11
Total number of members in the tribe : 3,544
Number of U.S. states without laws prohibiting “revenge porn” : 19
Portion of American males who were under the age of 13 when they were first exposed to pornography : 1/2
Portion of men seeking help for erectile dysfunction who are under 40 years old : 1/4
Percentage of newly diagnosed H.I.V. cases in the United States that are in patients over 50 years old : 17
Average life expectancy, in years, of a U.S. man in the top 1 percent of income : 87
In the bottom 1 percent : 73
Factor by which a white public-school student is more likely than a black student to be labeled “gifted” : 2.4
Percentage by which a “cool” 13-year-old is more likely than other teens to have future substance-abuse problems : 45
Percentage of U.S. college grades that were A’s in 1960 : 16
In 2015 : 45
Amount one Colorado county spent in January to arm school security with assault rifles : $12,000
Amount spent by UC Davis to remove online mentions of a campus police officer who pepper-sprayed students : $175,000
Value of a federal grant given to Cleveland for riot gear ahead of the Republican National Convention : $50,000
Portion of Californians in the right-wing American Independent Party who believe they have no party affiliation : 3/4
Number of times Donald Trump said a variant of the word “win” in an Albany campaign speech : 30
Percentage of U.S. voters who think that presidential primaries effectively determine the best-qualified nominees : 35
Figures cited are the latest available as of May 2016.
“Harper’s Index” is a registered trademark.
July Index Sources
1–4 ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller (N.Y.C.)
5 German Federal Ministry of the Interior (Berlin)
6,7 Pew Research Center (Washington)
8 Human Rights Watch (N.Y.C.)
9,10 Israel Defense Forces (Tel Aviv)
11 Market Probe International (N.Y.C.)
12 Morgan Stanley (N.Y.C.)
13 Erfolgswelle (Bern, Switzerland)
14 Leonardo Trasande, New York University
15 Texas A&M Transportation Institute (College Station)
16 Susan Shaheen, University of California, Berkeley
17 Terry Hughes, James Cook University (Townsville, Australia)
18 Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (Canberra)
19 Raleigh County Commission (Beckley, W.Va.)
20 U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of West Virginia (Charleston)
21 Global Witness (London)
22,23 Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (Quebec City)
24 Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (Miami)
25 Chyng Sun, New York University
26 Andrea Salonia, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan)
27 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta)
28,29 Health Inequality Project (Cambridge, Mass.)
30 American Educational Research Association (Washington)
31 Joseph Allen, University of Virginia (Charlottesville)
32,33 Stuart Rojstaczer (Palo Alto, Calif.)
34 Douglas County School District (Castle Rock, Colo.)
35 University of California, Davis
36 City of Cleveland
37 Tulchin Research (San Francisco)/SmithJohnson Research (Sacramento, Calif.)
38 Harper’s research
39 Pew Research Center