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Circulation Journal published the editorial “Tolvaptan, Is It a Trump to Worsening Renal Function?” Neurosurgeons published “A Political Case of Penetrating Cranial Trauma,” Senegalese doctors compiled reports of people who had suffered penetrating chest injuries caused by swordfish swords, Hong Kong doctors described another case of attempted suicide by chopsticks to the brain, Basel doctors described an attempted suicide by yew needles, Paris doctors described a woman’s addiction to daily bleach showers that last up to eight hours, and Bombay doctors reported breast enlargement and delusional pregnancy in a seventy-year-old straight-identified man following a homosexual encounter. The first American recipient of a penis transplant was optimistic about the future. Researchers questioned the use of the SAD PERSONS scale to determine suicide risk, found that men do indeed eat more pizza in the presence of women, found fresh support for the Jolly-Fat Hypothesis, and warned that future surveys of adolescent mental health must take into account that some straight teenage boys find it funny to claim to be gay. Medical ethicists argued for the mandatory moral bioenhancement of psychopaths and against genetically engineered life extension, which will doom people to outlive those they love.

States with more evangelical Christians have more Google searches for the word “porn.” Sociologists detected a secularizing correlation in pornography use. Parents who encountered their children watching pornography reported, variously, telling the child that it was yoga, telling the child that the naked lady’s shower was broken, or hitting the child. Among adult babies, 16.8 percent said they had not been in a relationship, and few adult babies currently in relationships feel that adult-babying with persons other than their primary partner constitutes infidelity. Anthropologists proposed that, from an evolutionary perspective, drag queens’ public presentation is a form of “costly signaling.” Greater scientific awareness of the erogeneity of the male breast was urged by L. Misery, a scientist at the Laboratory of Neurosciences of Brest. Being stroked is more pleasant than stroking. Strokes increase a preference for alcohol. People who desire to undergo an elective limb amputation are likeliest to choose the left leg. Burial decreases the concentration of methamphetamine in the thighbones of dead mice. Police made a traffic stop of a man in possession of a vial of human blood that he intended to administer to himself because he believed it contained fentanyl; it was determined to contain codeine, cold medicine, ethanol, MDA, methamphetamine, morphine, and Xanax.

Unattractive scientists are assumed to be better at their jobs. A study of Midwestern college students asked to evaluate women’s professional dress showed “significant interaction effects between buttons and camisoles on ratings of powerfulness.” fMRI imaging distinguished schadenfreude from fremdscham and the experience of joyful beauty from that of sorrowful beauty. Most brain diagrams face right. Human faces can be accurately predicted from the brain waves of monkeys. Sleep-deprived people look less attractive and less socially appealing. Smiling makes people look older; surprise, younger. Less attractive faces gain the most perceived attractiveness by rotation and inversion. Better-looking termites cause more damage. A strong belief in a good true self was observed across several countries. A newly discovered species of glass frog exposes its heart completely.

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August 2017

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