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Number of U.S. states in which legislation has been proposed this year to protect drivers who strike protesters : 6
Percentage of Americans who say they support “white nationalism” : 7
Who believe that white Americans are “currently under attack” : 39
Ratio of the number of statues of African Americans to those of Confederates in the U.S. Capitol : 4:11
Factor by which a children’s book is more likely to be about African Americans than written by an African American : 3
Number of questions readers of a Norwegian news site must answer correctly about an article before commenting : 3
Number of apartments the president of Azerbaijan gave to journalists on National Press Day : 255
Of Azerbaijani journalists who are imprisoned as a result of their work : 10
Ratio of Russian wealth held offshore in 2015 to the country’s national income : 1:1.35
Portion of Russians who have seen no economic growth since the fall of the Soviet Union : 1/2
Minimum percentage of inmates in local U.S. jails who have been homeless : 15
Daily wage a prisoner in Portland, Oregon, is paid to clear out homeless camps : $1
Factor by which a U.S. Christian is more likely than a nonreligious person to think poverty is a personal failure : 2
Percentage by which a middle-class American is more likely than a poor one to eat fast food in a given week : 6
Portion of animal-derived food products in the United States that are consumed by pets : 1/4
Number of countries that consume more animal-derived products than U.S. pets do : 4
Average number of people who report being bitten by squirrels in New York City annually : 55
Percentage change in the length of time someone can withstand pain if they use profanity : +34
Estimated percentage change since 1979 in the number of Capitol Hill police officers : +113
In the number of congressional staffers : –27
Percentage of staffers who say they have enough time to consider and debate policy matters : 6
Who say Congress’s technology infrastructure is adequate to perform their duties : 6
Number of congresspeople with a history of employment in the hard sciences : 3
Acres of U.S. land that have been contaminated by Department of Defense munitions disposal : 40,000,000
Estimated chance the world will meet the temperature-change goals of the Paris Agreement : 1 in 20
Minimum percentage of the earth’s land that was experiencing severe drought at any given time last year : 12
Minimum number of suicides in India since 1980 attributable to climate change : 59,300
Factor by which an American is more likely than a Cuban to be killed in a hurricane : 10
Estimated percentage of U.S. residential properties in 100-year flood zones that lack flood insurance : 69
Ratio of summer vacation cottages to permanent dwellings in Finland : 1:6
Percentage change between 1951 and 2014 in the population of Venice’s historic center : –68
In the number of annual tourists : +469
Percentage of Americans who spend more than 90 percent of their lives indoors or in vehicles : 92
Chances that an American doesn’t know that local television stations are available for free : 3 in 10
Estimated portion of internet users in China who have livestreamed themselves : 1/2
Number of teenagers who participated in the Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship this year : 560,000
Price that a California startup charges for a blood transfusion from a donor aged 16 to 25 : $8,000
Number of people who have been granted citizenship of Asgardia, a planned nation in outer space : 101,500
Percentage who are women : 16

Figures cited are the latest available as of September 2017. 
“Harper’s Index” is a registered trademark.


November Index Sources

1 National Conference of State Legislatures (Washington)
2,3 Ipsos (Washington)
4 Architect of the Capitol
5 Cooperative Children’s Book Center (Madison, Wis.)
6 NRKbeta (Oslo, Norway)
7 Office of the President of Azerbaijan (Baku)
8 Committee to Protect Journalists (N.Y.C.)
9,10 Gabriel Zucman, University of California, Berkeley
11 National Health Care for the Homeless Council (Baltimore)
12 Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (Portland, Ore.)
13 Kaiser Family Foundation (Washington)
14 Jay Zagorsky, Ohio State University (Columbus)
15,16 Gregory Okin, University of California, Los Angeles
17 New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
18 Richard Stephens, Keele University (England)
19 U.S. Capitol Police (Washington)
20 Brookings Institution (Washington)
21,22 Congressional Management Foundation (Washington)
23 Congressional Research Service (Washington)
24 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
25 Dargan M. W. Frierson, University of Washington (Seattle)
26 American Meteorological Society (Norwich, England)
27 Tamma Carleton, University of California, Berkeley
28 José Rubiera, University of Havana
29 Federal Emergency Management Agency
30 Statistics Finland (Helsinki)
31 City of Venice (Italy)
32 Intercultural and Mobility Agency (Venice, Italy)
33 Wayne R. Ott, Stanford University (Stanford, Calif.)
34 Morning Consult (Washington)
35 China Internet Network Information Center (Beijing)
36 Certiport (Riverside, Calif.)
37 Ambrosia (San Francisco)
38,39 Asgardia (Cologne, Germany)

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November 2017

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