From editorial notes given to Milo Yiannopoulos, a leader of the “alt-right,” by Mitchell Ivers, a vice president at Simon & Schuster, on his manuscript for Dangerous. Last year, Simon & Schuster canceled Yiannopoulos’s book deal; he sued for breach of contract. Ivers’s notes were submitted in December to a New York state court.
This is a lazy way to begin a manifesto.
Careful that the egotistical boasting your young audience finds humorous doesn’t make you seem juvenile to other readers.
You use the phrase “bathe in the tears of my enemy” on page 232.
These points are stronger without gratuitous insult and teat reference.
The use of a phrase like “two-faced backstabbing bitches” diminishes your overall point.
Too important a chapter to be scoring points against Glenn Beck.
Paris Hilton is NOT the best authority to quote here. Stick to Camille Paglia.
Is this the same as “Feminist Hacker Barbie?” Explain.
Stick with virgins. “Perverts” is unnecessary.
Let’s not call South Africa “white.”
If you want to make a case for gay men going back into the closet and marrying women just to have children, you’re going to have to employ a lot more intellectual rigor.
Leave the lesbians out of it.
Stop spreading fake news. No couple — gay or straight — has EVER wanted to serve pizza at their wedding.
There was NO blood, NO semen, and there was NO satanism.
You can’t say ugly people are drawn to the left. Have you ever seen a Trump rally?
Are you seriously telling the reader that you advocate SMEAR CAMPAIGNS?
This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke.
Let’s leave “fecal waste” analogies out of this chapter.
If that headline is hate speech, THIS WHOLE BOOK is hate speech.
This entire argument is ridiculous.
This would never happen.
This is not true.
This is not true either.