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Percentage of native-born French who think they receive half as much government aid as immigrants : 24

Average percentage by which a native-born Frenchperson receives more aid than an immigrant : 16

Portion of Americans who regard naturalized citizens as “real Americans” : 3/4

Who regard undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States for most of their lives as “real Americans” : 1/4

Average life expectancy of residents of the Loop, Chicago’s business district : 85

Of residents of Washington Park, on Chicago’s South Side : 69

Average number of months by which Republican-appointed judges sentence blacks to longer jail terms than whites : 7.8

By which Democratic-appointed judges do : 4.8

Percentage of Republicans who have a favorable view of the Supreme Court today : 71

Who did in 2015 : 33

Estimated percentage of US adults exonerated of crimes who are found to have falsely confessed : 10

Of juveniles : 38

Minimum portion of ATF inspections of licensed firearm dealers last year that found violations : 1/3

Portion that led to the revocation or denial of a license : 1/250

Percentage of Danes who favor a ban on male child circumcision : 83

Factor by which the number of public religious schools in Turkey has increased since 2002 : 11

Percentage of Americans aged 18 to 34 who do not identify as completely heterosexual : 37

Percentage of Americans who believe they know what the letters in LGBT stand for : 80

Who believe they know what the letters in LGBTQ stand for : 53


Percentage of heterosexual men without a high school diploma who changed their last name when they were last married : 10

Of heterosexual men with a college degree who did : 2

Factor by which male political journalists retweet male colleagues more than they do female colleagues : 3

Percentage of US men who think their gender will make it harder for them to advance professionally : 15

Who identify a “greater risk of being accused of sexual harassment” as a disadvantage of being a man at their place of work : 42

Percentage of South Korean sex crimes that involved taking or circulating photos against the victim’s will in 2006 : 3.6

That did in 2015 : 25

Portion of those crimes that took place on the subway : 1/2

Estimated minimum factor by which the number of US public safety agencies with drones has increased since 2016 : 2

Number of US states that did not apply last year to be official FAA “drone innovation zones” : 3

Factor by which the number of phone call and text message records collected by the NSA increased last year : 3.53

Percentage of Americans who are “unbothered” to hear that companies monitor employees on their work computers : 73

Who are “pleased” : 59

Minimum hours for which the internet in Algeria was shut down in June to prevent cheating on college entrance exams : 3

Amount of a tax charged in Uganda to access social media for one day : $0.05

Percentage of Americans who say they hear about Donald Trump’s tweets at least “a fair amount” : 76

Who say they follow Trump’s Twitter feed and read all or most of his tweets : 4

Percentage of Americans who think it is too difficult to fire poorly performing government employees : 58

Portion of likely US voters who think that Mike Pence would make a better president than Donald Trump : 1/5

Figures cited are the latest available as of July 2018. “Harper’s Index” is a registered trademark.

September Index Sources

1, 2 Stefanie Stantcheva, Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)
3, 4 Ipsos (NYC)
5, 6 Virginia Commonwealth University Center on Society and Health (Richmond)
7, 8 Crystal S. Yang, Harvard University
9, 10 Pew Research Center (Washington)
11, 12 National Registry of Exonerations (Ann Arbor, Mich.)
13, 14 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
15 Megafon (Copenhagen, Denmark)
16 Turkish Ministry of National Education (Ankara) 
YouGov (NYC)
21, 22 Emily Fitzgibbons Shafer, Portland State University (Ore.)
23 Nikki Usher, George Washington University (Washington)
24 Lean In (Palo Alto, Calif.)
25 FiveThirtyEight (NYC)
26–28 Korean Women Lawyers Association (Seoul)
29 Center for the Study of the Drone (Washington)
30 Federal Aviation Administration
31 Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Washington)
32, 33 Joseph Turow, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
34 Oracle (Redwood Shores, Calif.)
35 Cyberline Media (Kampala, Uganda)
36, 37 Gallup (Atlanta)
38, 39 Rasmussen Reports (Asbury Park, N.J.)

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September 2018

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