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The effect whereby gay men tend to have more older brothers holds true only for those who are prone to being receptive partners during anal sex. Straight men who were asked to fantasize shortly before ejaculation about their female partners cheating on them failed to produce higher-quality sperm, and men who were asked immediately after ejaculation to rate women’s faces found them less attractive. One fifth of men surveyed online had experienced postcoital dysphoria in the preceding four weeks. The longer a straight couple stays married, the less physically satisfied the man becomes with their sex life, whereas the woman remains as content as at the beginning. Men interacting with a computer­-animated woman over the course of four virtual dates spanning a theoretical three-month relationship became more likely, when dosed with alcohol, to persist in requests for virtual vaginal and oral sex, which, when refused five times in a row, caused the woman to fade to black and the date to end. “You dirty bitch, you know you want it,” one participant told the computer screen, as reported the study in Aggressive Behavior. A study of UK men “forced to penetrate” by women determined that the most common coercive tactic was the threat of lies. Astrophysicists affirmed the Strong Equivalence Principle. Chinese neurologists ball-gagged women who identified as BDSM submissives to test its effect on their neural responses to photos of other women in pain. More water has been consumed than saved by the deployment of shade balls in Los Angeles.

Fertile, Iowa; Intercourse, Pennsylvania; and Nothing, Arizona, are childcare deserts. Young children who cradle dolls to the left are more socially capable. Newborn mice who pass through the vaginas of stressed mothers may become more stressed themselves. Worker honeybees in need of emergency queens support members of royal subfamilies over candidates from their own worker families. Ectopleura larynx polyps allow unrelated individuals to fuse to the communal body. Peruvian fishing nets illuminated with LEDs were entangling fewer cormorants, migratory bird populations along the East Coast were declining because of the biomedical industry’s overharvesting of horseshoe crab blood, and surface-sediment oxygen levels off Fiji were falling because of the culinary industry’s overharvesting of sea cucumbers. The removal of rats increased native seedlings by 5,000 percent on Palmyra Atoll, said study leader Coral Wolf. The lepidopterist Andrei Sourakov reported 400 litter moths resting in a hollow tree. No objections emerged to challenge an article on pediatric popliteal artery entrapment coauthored by the vascular surgeon V. Nabokov.

Lavender was found to calm dressage horses, and the oldest surviving color in the world, extracted from rocks beneath the Sahara Desert, was found to be bright pink. Bread preceded agriculture by 4,000 years. The Meghalayan Age, comprising the past 4,200 years of the Holocene, was added to the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. A computer program can predict when online conversations will turn into personal attacks. Humans hesitate to switch off a robot who begs them not to. Psychopaths were found to have a particular deficiency in distinguishing real from feigned distress, and 292 crocodiles were killed by a mob in Indonesia. Thieves stole a horn shark named Miss Helen from a San Antonio aquarium by disguising her as a baby in a carriage. The Western public considers tigers the most charismatic species of megafauna, leopards the most beautiful, and pandas the rarest; zebras are the species whose charisma depends most heavily on their beauty, and great white sharks are the one species nobody considers cute. The Lorax may have been a patas monkey. In Poland, a Persian cat high on marijuana presented with gluttony and apathy.

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October 2018

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