Chance that an American aged 18 to 24 has never
kissed anyone : 1 in 5
Percentage of UK adults who think socializing with Christians is more fun than socializing with atheists : 7
Who would be “cautious” about leaving their children
in the care of Christians : 7
Factor by which an American is more likely to think that boys are easier to raise than girls : 2
By which US men are more likely to have a strong preference for having a son
rather than a daughter : 2
Percentage of 18-year-old US women in 2004 who planned on being stay-at-home mothers by the age of 30 : 2
Who became stay-at-home mothers by 30 : 15
Percentage by which men who make less than their wives underreport
their wives’ earnings : 2.1
By which they overreport their own earnings : 2.9
By which their wives underreport their own earnings : 1.5
Estimated annual amount that the tariffs the United States has announced this year will cost the average household : $127
Percentage of visual artists who make at least 75 percent of their income from art : 17
Who identify themselves as “completely financially stable” : 3
Who list family support or inheritance as one of their top three sources of income : 29
Percentage of college-educated white families that will receive an inheritance
of more than $10,000 : 41
Of college-educated black families that will : 13
Average amount by which white families’ inheritances are greater : $110,000
Percentage of black Americans who say social media helps shed light on issues that don’t get much attention : 80
Of white Americans who say social media distracts from truly important issues : 80
Date on which the Egyptian parliament passed a law criminalizing the spread of
“fake news” on social media : 7/16/18
Number of followers that qualifies a social media account as a media outlet
under that law : 5,000
Percentage of Americans who think social media platforms should
always censor profanity : 38
Number of paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence that were censored by Facebook in July as hate speech : 5
Portion of New York Times hardcover non-fiction bestsellers over the first half of 2018 that mentioned Donald Trump : 3/4
Number of countries that provide more personnel per capita than the United States to NATO’s operations in Afghanistan : 8
Percentage of Americans who think one is equally or more likely to be a victim of violence in Europe than in the United States : 61
Minimum number of foreign electoral interventions conducted
from 1990 to 2000 by the United States : 18
By Russia : 3
Estimated percentage of outside spending on US state judicial elections
that is in the form of “dark money” : 54
Estimated amount of money held in security deposits for New York City apartments : $507,000,000
Average percentage by which the price of a US product exceeded
its production cost in 1980 : 10
In 2016 : 60
Date on which an Uber patent application for technology that would discern whether users were drunk was made public : 6/7/18
Percentage change from 2008 to 2016 in the number of Americans aged 25 to 34 who die from cirrhosis each year : +58
Portion of e-cigarette users who stop smoking conventional
cigarettes within a year : 1/10
Estimated percentage of American employers that offer wearable fitness-tracking technology to employees : 8
That offer fitness competitions or challenges : 38
That offer “mindfulness training” : 52
Percentage of workers aged 24 to 35 who plan on quitting
their jobs within two years : 43
Index Sources
1 YouGov (NYC)
2, 3 ComRes (London)
4, 5 Gallup (Atlanta)
6, 7 Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore
8–10 US Census Bureau (Suitland, Md.)
11 Kirill Borusyak, Princeton University (N.J.)
12–14 The Creative Independent (NYC)
15–17 Joanna Taylor (Waltham, Mass.)
18, 19 Pew Research Center (Washington)
20, 21 Committee to Protect Journalists (NYC)
22 Harris Interactive (London)
23 Facebook (Menlo Park, Calif.)
24 New York Times/Harper’s research
25 NATO (Brussels)/Harper’s research
26 YouGov
27, 28 Dov Levin, University of Hong Kong
29 Brennan Center for Justice (NYC)
30 Office of the New York City Comptroller
31, 32 Jan Eeckhout, University College London
33 US Patent and Trademark Office (Alexandria, Va.)
34 Elliot Tapper, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
35 Scott Weaver, Georgia State University (Atlanta)
36–38 Society for Human Resource Management (Alexandria, Va.)
39 Deloitte (McLean, Va.).